100 GR Vs 125 GR Broadheads For Crossbow – Which One’s Better?

If you need to make the best choice for your hunting too, then our 100 GR vs 125 GR broadheads for crossbow review and comparison should be able to help you out.

When you are just beginning to experiment with a crossbow, you are probably not even very particular about the arrow grain weight to use. Moreover, you may not know exactly how your choice will affect your hunt. 

This is particularly true when you have a kit that is pretty much pre-assembled. But when you gain more experience, you will start to wonder more about the best tool to use. This is why it is sometimes a question of using a 100 grain crossbow bowhead or a 125 grain one. 

If you are torn between these two options, check out these points we have shared below to help you understand better what to use. Here we go!

100 GR Vs 125 GR Broadheads For Crossbow

You may be wondering which grain broadhead is best to use for a crossbow – 100 or 125 grain?

Well, this all lies in the weight. With a 100-grain broadhead, this means that it is lighter – and with a lighter weight comes a faster flight speed. While this may sound impressive, it is not always ideal since when it comes to hunting a larger game animal such as an elk or moose, you want the broadhead to be heavier for a cleaner kill.

For instance, the arrow may most definitely hit your target. Yet, it is also likely to simply bounce off and not even deploy. But when you have a much larger and heavier broadhead, the flight is slow but the impact is pretty big. Thus, it should be able to kill your target.

Another aspect to consider is the FOC or the Front of Center. This is how your arrow balances once you have installed the extras such as the inserts, nocks, and others.

When you have a low FOC to your arrow, this can cause it to fly in an uncertain and unpredictable way. Hence, there is a high chance of missing your target. This is why we recommend staying between 11 or even 7 percent when pertaining to the FOC. However, there are hunters that opt to push their limits and aim for a much higher FOC.

Then, you need to consider which one is easier to purchase. For the most part, the 100-grain broadhead is widely available. You should be able to buy it without any problem at all. On the other hand, the 125 grain may be more difficult to locate. This is why many people opt to buy the 100 grain since it is hassle-free to find and buy.

But when you are standing farther from your target, perhaps around 60 or more yards farther, then the slow speed makes up for this with the stronger impact. So, if you tried hunting in the past using a 100 grain broadhead and found the arrow to simply bounce off the target’s rib bone or shoulder bone, you should be able to understand this point we have just stated.

On the other hand, a reasonable and good-quality 125-grain broadhead is capable of penetrating deeply into your target. Some may even pass through smoothly, which will take your target down swiftly.

So overall, 100 grain broadheads are faster. Yet, the thicker and the one with a stronger impact is the 125 grain broadhead.

A Closer Look At Both Options

In terms of penetration, the success rate still depends on your target. If you are an expert hunter, then you may be able to track your injured target down quickly using the blood trails on the ground. 

With the 100 grain broadhead, however, the blood trail is often only minimal, as compared to the 125 grain broadhead. Thus, it makes for a more challenging experience in tracking your game down. Hence, you may even have a hard time finding your target, leaving you empty-handed. But when you use a larger grain broadhead, the impact is better, causing more damage and leaving more blood trails. 

So with all of the points in mind, let’s talk about which grain is best for each game animal. For deer hunting, you may use either the 100 grain or the 125 grain. But with a bigger animal such as an elk or a bear, it is best to stick to the 125 grain that can cause more damage and a higher chance of a fatal kill. 

With more weight, including other elements that come into play and the right conditions, the penetration is deeper, which is what you want in a larger game animal.

When you use a 125 grain for a small animal, you can stand close to the target and leave more blood trail than what a 100 grain could cause. The impact damage is greater, which makes for easier tracking.

Overall, the 100 grain broadhead is ideal when you want the animal to bleed out quicker and ensure a humane death. Smaller animals are also better to hunt using a 100 grain. There is even a practice tip you can use prior to the actual shot, which prevents you from making mistakes at your actual field point.

On the other hand, 125 grain broadheads leave blood trails that are much easier to follow. Hence, you can never lose your target. You can also use these for bigger animals and you can use this without the need to sharpen frequently. 

Read More: Can A Crossbow Kill A Bear? Interesting Facts That May Surprise You!


At the end of the day, your choice depends on what animal you are hunting, your experience, distance, and your overall proficiency in crossbow hunting. But we hope our guidelines and tips help in giving you a better idea on the purpose of each grain of broadheads and what they are used for.

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